Out in the country in southwestern Oklahoma in the hills down a dirt road family and friends were gathering for a wedding. Dogs and kids hopping around the yard and hay bales for seats. A fire pit with brisket was burning. The basket ball goal was surrounded by kids playing. Adele and Jantz got hitched on Friday night April 8th on a cool spring evening. Some people in the family got lost because their GPS didn't direct them properly. It's happened to us before. We're glad to say that we made it early. When we drove up the dirt road and turned into the driveway we were greeted by some really cute kids swinging on a rope over the drive way. They really know how to have fun. The whole time we were there the smiles and laughter never ended. All the hugs from family members showed the real love for one another.
These are only a few of our favorite images of this wonderful outdoor backyard spring wedding.
With much love,
Warren and Jackie

Pastor is waiting for the ceremony.